
kutbi avatar image
kutbi asked inacio answered

How to remove bar-code & link from print receipt ?

img-20170809-141051-min-1502268494-18275110102.jpgI have used clover printer for customer receipt.
Print displayed barcode and link within this receipt.
I want to remove that barcode and link from receipt.
- PrintJob printJob = new StaticPaymentPrintJob.Builder().payment(payment).build();
check attached image.
Clover Android SDKPrintPaymentConnectorClover Mobile
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1 Answer

inacio avatar image
inacio answered
Step 1: Tap on Setup
Step 2: Tap On Paymnet Receipts
Step3: Scroll until you see BARCODE, Uncheck it
Your done, there is no save option you just tap the back arrow to exit
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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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