
coder12 avatar image
coder12 asked julii answered

Take Payment For Order from V3 and Atomic Order Api Before Creating the Order and Sending to Devices

I currently have an application that created orders from the clover v3 order endpoint and from there the customers can choose to pay for the order or pay later. The issue is, the order is created and sent to the device before payment is received.

I want to know if there is a way in the clover V3 order api or atomic order api, or preferably both, to take payment for the order and only after a successful payment is the order is created and sent to the clover devices. That ways, the customer must pay for the clover order or else it will not be created.

OrdersREST APIecommercePaymentConnector
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coder12 avatar image coder12 commented ·

@L_Thomasson @Dan @Lee Tickett @Jeffrey Blattman can someone help with this?

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jaske09 avatar image
jaske09 answered

OAuth process with inside clover it takes me to a clover page that just loads endlessly. If I select a merchant that already has the app installed it starts the OAuth Process.

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julii avatar image
julii answered

To handle payment before order creation in the Clover V3 and Atomic Order APIs ( , here’s a recommended approach to ensure the order is only sent to Clover devices after successful payment.

Suggested Workflow

  1. Initiate Payment Before Order Creation: Use a preliminary payment workflow outside of the standard order creation endpoint. You can display the payment screen for the customer to process the payment first, possibly using a dedicated payment endpoint if available.

  2. Capture Payment Details: Once payment is successful, save the payment confirmation or transaction ID.

  3. Create the Order Post-Payment: After confirming payment, you can then proceed to create the order using the Clover V3 Order API or Atomic Order API. Include the transaction ID or payment confirmation details if the API supports that, so the order shows as paid.

  4. Send Order to Device: After the order is successfully created with a "Paid" status, it can then be sent to the Clover device.

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