
bhupender avatar image
bhupender asked jonii answered

how to stop tender from initiating payment and open a custom app?

How to stop tender from initiating payment and open a custom app?
or any other method through which add a button in register app and on click of that button open activity over register app?

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melva4 avatar image melva4 commented ·

To customize the register app and open a custom app instead of initiating a payment, you need to intercept the payment process. You can add a button to the register app that, when clicked, launches an activity from your custom app. This requires modifying the app’s code to listen for button clicks and use an Intent to start the desired activity. Make sure your custom app has the correct permissions and intent filters in the manifest to handle the request. If you're not the developer, you may need assistance from someone with access to the app's source code.

It worked for my app (Your Texas Benefits), Hope this work in your case

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esther598 avatar image esther598 commented ·


To prevent a tender from initiating payment and open a custom app, you’ll need to register an intent filter in your Android app’s manifest. This allows your app to handle specific actions when triggered. However, keep in mind that you can only disable or enable tenders and order modifiers provided by your app. Other tenders come from different apps, so you might need to ask the merchant to uninstall the app that provides the unwanted tender. If you encounter any issues, feel free to ask for further assistance.

Best Regards


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shermansweeney avatar image shermansweeney commented ·

If you want to stop a Point of Sale (POS) system or a similar application from initiating a payment process and instead a custom app, you will likely need to modify the system's configuration or the application's code. Here are some general steps to achieve this, though the exact method will depend on the specific software and hardware you are using

    • Determine what triggers the payment process. This could be a button press, a specific command, or an event in the software.
  1. Modify the Configuration:

    • Check if the POS software has configuration settings that allow customization of actions. Some systems allow you to change the default behavior when a payment is initiated.
    • Look for options to disable the default payment process or to add custom scripts or commands.
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tshareef avatar image
tshareef answered

To stop Tender from initiating payment and instead open a custom app, you would typically need to adjust the configuration within the tender system emiratesinside web or the POS (Point of Sale) software being used.

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2048cupcakes avatar image
2048cupcakes answered

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tshareef avatar image
tshareef answered tshareef edited

To stop Tender from initiating payment and open a custom app, intercept the event triggering the payment process how to check account balance on glo and redirect it to launch your custom app instead. This typically involves modifying the event handlers in the code managing the payment logic.

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bhupender avatar image
bhupender answered

Thanks, everyone! I'm trying to figure out how to display a splash screen after clicking a tender type in my app. Could someone share the specific Intent I should use or provide a code snippet for this?

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jonii avatar image
jonii answered

When dealing with payment systems like Tender, it’s essential to find solutions that offer more flexibility in how transactions are managed. Custom apps can be developed to override default payment initiations and provide a more tailored experience. If you're interested in discovering useful apps for managing payments or customizing your phone's functionalities, check out Uniques games, where you can download a variety of APK apps and games to enhance your mobile experience.

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tomdanny avatar image
tomdanny answered

As a GoPromotional Products Expert, I recommend understanding the settings within your tender system to prevent it from initiating payment and instead open a custom app. First, review the system's configuration options for payment processing and app integration. Disable any automatic payment triggers linked to the tender. Next, set up the custom app as the default action when initiating a transaction. This allows for a seamless user experience while controlling payment processes effectively.

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