
vbx avatar image
vbx asked hussy112233 answered

Allow employees to pause online orders only. Not disable it.

Can we add a quick coding to prevent employees from disabling online orders? They should only be allowed to pause it.

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1 Answer

hussy112233 avatar image
hussy112233 answered

To implement a feature that allows employees to pause online orders but prevents them from disabling them, you can follow a coding approach that involves modifying the existing order management system. Identify the Order Management System, create a Pause Functionality, restrict Disable Functionality, update User Interface, and thoroughly test the new functionality to ensure that employees can only pause orders and cannot disable them. Here's a simplified example in Python, assuming you have an `Order` class and a method to manage order status: `class Order: def __init__(self, order_id): self.order_id = order_id self.status = 'active' def pause_order(self): if self.status == 'active': self.status = 'paused' print(f"Order {self.order_id} has been paused.") else: print(f"Order {self.order_id} cannot be paused as it is {self.status}.") def disable_order(self): print("Disabling orders is not allowed for employees.") order = Order(123) order.pause_order() order.disable_order()` By following these steps and using the provided code snippet as a reference, you can successfully implement a feature that allows employees to pause online orders while preventing them from disabling those orders. regarding texto invisible

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