
mjouamaa avatar image
mjouamaa asked ueywe22 sent

upgrade minSdkVersion to 23 but the apk not installed.

Hello team,

I upgraded my minSdkVersion to 23 instead of 20. please see below:

The apk is not installed anymore. i know that grant at runtime permissions have been introduced for the version 23 but clover they grant permission during the installation. how we can implement this. can you help to fix this issue.

minSdkVersion 23

targetSdkVersion 29
Clover Android SDKClover Mini
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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
have you resigned and uploaded your APK to your developer app? Once this is done it goes through approval again and then you can either publish it as default or in roll outs with Release Groups
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1 Answer

anjum123 avatar image
anjum123 answered

Hi everyone,

I'm currently exploring effective fundraising CRM solutions for our non-profit organization, and I've come across an interesting platform called CHAMP Cloud CRM. There are so many options out there, and it can be quite overwhelming to choose the right one. CHAMP Cloud CRM caught my attention, and it seems promising.

Has anyone here used CHAMP Cloud CRM before? What are your experiences with it? How does it compare to other popular fundraising CRM platforms?

Looking forward to your insights!

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