
sweetshopperobin avatar image
sweetshopperobin asked wheme1998 answered

Hosted Checkout Help?

Posted: Mar 14 2024 19:49Author: Robin CarltonMessage id: 4637759

Hi again,

I'm really hoping you guys can help as I'm at a loss regarding the Clover Hosted Payment Gateway. I've posted out in the past regarding this issue (Clover migrating people automatically from Payeezy to their new gateway) and it simply not working. We found a workaround that worked for months, but recently Clover has made automatic changes again that seem to be *MOSTLY* working. Here is the issue that I'm experiencing now that I'm hoping to get your expertise on...

When a customer chooses to pay via credit card, they are now directed to Clover's hosted checkout page. Their payment is captured on Clover's end and shows up on the Clover dashboard under our transactions which is great! Bank deposits are happening... like I said, it seems to be mostly working. The problem is that when redirected back to our site, the orders are set to Not Finished status and return an error to the customer.

We are a multi-vendor store (30+ graphic designers selling on consignment in our shop) so each designer gets an order number. If a customer buys from only ONE person (ie. a small transaction with only 1-2 order numbers) the payment is processed normally. They pay at Clover's hosted checkout, are returned to our site, the order updates to processed and they get their download keys. However, if they order from multiple designers and have 3, 4, 5 or more orders in their transaction, the payment is captured fine, but they are returned to our site with an error and their orders get set to Not Finished status. Once I confirm payment is made at clover, I manually set their order to processed. Obviously, having to manually set orders to processed isn't ideal.

Really, really hoping you can help me get this issue figured out. It seems it's *ALMOST* working correctly, so I'm hoping this is an easy tweak that you can assist with.

Many thanks,


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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 edited

Hi Robin, your post is confusing. I am assuming this "order" status your are talking about is on your end (you aren't talking about a Clover order). Did you originally hire a developer/company to integrate this for you? This sounds like it has to be a custom integration, no payment service is going to understand how to mark a custom order as complete based on custom business rules. There must be some custom code that handles setting your "order" status based on the payment's status. There is nothing Clover can do about this, you are going to need to reach out to the developer/company that originally integrated this for you.

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sweetshopperobin avatar image
sweetshopperobin answered

Thanks for the reply. We've had our cart and hosted checkout via First Data working since 2006. The weird thing is that when it was hosted checkout through First Data and then Payeezy, everything worked without issue and orders updated properly (this was up to Feb 24th of this year). It's only been since the migration from Payeezy to Clover that things are NOT working right and I suspect there's a difference in how Clover relays information back to our site on return? There are TONS of posts in this forum about Clover not working the same as it did prior to migration, so I don't know if I agree with your "no payment service is going to understand how to do x" since it has been working for 18 years prior to this. This issue only came about since Clover has forced a migration from Payeezy. I do have an email out to support and XCart (our shopping cart) to see if they have ideas, but I wondered if I could get any leads on the "why" it works like it should for a single designer's order but breaks when there are multiple orders from different designers. Here's an image that may help clarify...


Any ideas? It's just weird to me that small orders work perfectly but multiple invoice numbers in a single transaction don't.

creditcardexamp.jpg (223.0 KiB)
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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 edited

I am a developer and I understand how things work on the Clover end. All Clover does is take the payment. How you expect it to understand how to correlate a payment with multiple orders on your end based on a custom order id (from you shopping cart software I am guessing?) is beyond me. The screenshots you have attached are not helpful because I have no idea what you were even showing me. What system is that? How is this all integrated? You obviously have shopping cart software, what else? Maybe when you originally did this 18 years ago you forgot that custom work was required? Have custom work was not required at that time. Then the shopping cart you use must have had a very good integration with payeezy and there must have been some sort of custom configuration that you are unaware of.

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sweetshopperobin avatar image
sweetshopperobin answered sweetshopperobin commented

It was working fine less than a month ago, nevermind the past 18 years. It's only been since the Payeezy "sunset" that this issue has developed. There's obviously something "different" in the way Clover handles invoices / multiple vendor orders in its relay and that's what I am trying to get info on and help with. Here's another thread with what seems to be a very similar issue...

It's wild to me how many threads and issues there have been with Hosted Checkout since the Payeezy Migration has happened and how little help there's been to resolve those issues.

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 commented ·

I understand you are frustrated . But as a third party it really seems to me that there was some sort of custom configuration to make all of this work when you originally set it up. Either the shopping cart software had a tight integration with payeezy or you hired someone to do some custom work. The problem is you don't understand how this ever worked. If you don't understand that it is going to be difficult to fix. I also asked you a few simple questions which you are not answering (what is this "order" you are talking about, is it clover order or is it something on your end, your shopping cart?). I would suggest that you look into your shopping cart configuration and find out how this was working. For example, it seems to me that the "order IDs" you were talking about are somehow associated with the payment. One way that could happen is if your payeezy integration is passing custom fields in the form that are retrieved by your shopping cart once the payment is successful. It is possible that clover doesn't understand those custom fields and isn't passing them back etc.

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sweetshopperobin avatar image sweetshopperobin parquet76 commented ·

Our shopping cart is / was integrated with First Data which changed to Payeezy which changed to Clover. All of these issues started with the clover migration. We didn't have custom work done to make it work in the past. The "order" is the order number in our shopping cart which is XCart. I wasn't trying to not answer your questions (and it seems you edited your post to add questions after the fact) but this is helpful...

"One way that could happen is if your payeezy integration is passing custom fields in the form that are retrieved by your shopping cart once the payment is successful. It is possible that clover doesn't understand those custom fields and isn't passing them back etc."

I think the frustration from many of us who have posted looking for help is that it goes from working for years and years to not working the next and I have no idea why a forced migration of so many merchants wouldn't keep the same structure in how they process payments / return responses, etc. Like why would you change your coding so it breaks for so many people who have been using it for years?

I am obviously not educated enough to fix this issue myself, but is there anyone willing to look at the .php that our shopping cart uses to help me try to get answers or help here? I'm honestly at a loss and just looking for help. I can obviously manually process these orders since everything else is working and payments are being captured... but there must be a real solution somewhere?

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 sweetshopperobin commented ·
I understand you are frustrated, I get it, it should work. Is this php script you are talking about part of the shopping cart? Do you have access to the source (PHP is processed on the server)? Or do you have some way to submit test orders from your site (sandboxed version)?
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joegagne avatar image
joegagne answered

Thanks for interesting discussion

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sweetshopperobin avatar image
sweetshopperobin answered parquet76 edited

I wanted to follow-up again to see if anyone has any ideas on a fix. What I think is happening is our cart is passing our "orderids" as the 'x_invoice_num' and since they're being truncated to 20 digits, that's causing the error on return to our site. See image for more details...


So "orderids" 2283049-2283050 will go to clover, process normally, return to our site and update the orders correctly, but if it's a longer string of "orderids" 2283049-2283050-2283051-2283052 it gets truncated to 2283049-2283050-2283 because that's 20 characters and breaks on return to our site.

Any thoughts on how to fix?

clover-invoicenum.jpg (371.7 KiB)
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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 commented ·

You can try using another field that isn't restricted on length, like notes. That's about the only option I can think of.

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mjones avatar image
mjones answered parquet76 commented

Hi @SweetShoppeRobin . How are things going? I'm in a similar boat and, at this stage, have a feeling the cavalry is not coming for Payeezy users. Without concrete information, I can only speculate that FirstData was determined to cut Payeezy loose and, while Clover made a half-hearted attempt at assimilating Payeezy, they really can't or don't want to. What they prefer is that Payeezy users adopt Clover from scratch.

Payeezy was absolutely wonderful and stable for so many years. Right now it looks dead in the water. If your story is different, I'd like to know.

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 commented ·

Based on your other posts, you aren't using a hosted checkout page directly. You have a custom php page that payeezy provided you that passes a value to the hosted checkout. Not sure how you expect clover to know about this script or what it is doing/how it works.

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mjones avatar image mjones parquet76 commented ·

What would it take to pass a dynamic amount and one other value to Clover hosted checkout and have the values sent back as an IPN after a successful purchase?

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 mjones commented ·

Have you seen this?

It's not terribly difficult to set up but some technical ability/knowledge is required. Someone that knows what they are doing should be able to implement it for you in less than an hour of it is over your head.

This is just the out of the box experience, nothing custom.

I am not exactly sure if this is what you need.

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sweetshopperobin avatar image sweetshopperobin commented ·
Hey! I just wanted to post an update that once I figured out that the issue was the invoice numbers being truncated from xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx to only 20 characters, I was able to get a developer to implement a fix that worked for our shopping cart where the invoice_num string was converted to xxxxxx-to-xxxxxx instead. As of today (literally less than an hour ago), hosted checkout seems to be working normally for us again. I think the problem is that Clover DID change the way they handle hosted checkout fields so what you send to them needs to be updated too. Super frustrating... and costly for us.
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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 sweetshopperobin commented ·
Glad you got it working.
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etherealestelle avatar image
etherealestelle answered

Need a hand with Hosted Checkout? I've found that working with a skilled Graphic Designer can make a huge difference in streamlining the process. If you're looking for expert support, Jh Tackett Marketing has been a great resource for me!

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wheme1998 avatar image
wheme1998 answered

Hosted Checkout Help refers to the support services available for businesses using a hosted checkout solution, which allows customers to complete their purchases on a secure, third-party platform. If you're facing issues or have questions about integration, transaction processing, or user experience, reaching out to your provider can often lead to quick solutions. At wwwmygreenbucks, we believe in the potential of seamless transactions to enhance customer satisfaction. With the right guidance, you can optimize your checkout process and elevate your business's online presence.

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