
syed avatar image
syed asked cstea commented

Cannot be able to assign ach token to customer or you say card on file

I am on the dev envoirment and try to save ach token to customer using the following apis:

first I created the token and then the create a ccustomer the token Source but it is giving me the following error:

- pre-Authorization not supported.

Is there any way to save the ACH token to customer for future user ?
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cstea avatar image cstea commented ·

I have a similar error. I get a 500 error in sandbox if i try to charge the token or store it as a card on file, i get the following?


"message": "500 Internal Server Error",

"error": {

"code": "processing_error",

"message": "Internal Server Error."



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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered syed commented

Is there another merchant you can try on?

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syed avatar image syed commented ·
even I cannot see the enable pre-auth button from the merchant dashboard

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syed avatar image
syed answered

No, I have just created a clover test merchant and then the app with the payment permission, this works fine with the testing card and also created the ach token but when I want to assign that ACH token to the customer source it gives

"pre-Authorization not supported".

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered syed commented

Email to see if they can enable pre-authorization for your test merchant for ach token testing

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syed avatar image syed commented ·

Ok, I send them a mail.Do you have any idea what should be the problem?

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ramses avatar image
ramses answered

Hello I have the same problem is there any solution ?

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