
aalokb avatar image
aalokb asked alyx commented

What needs to be done to get "connect/v1/payments" api return the token that can be used for future transactions?

Our customers are furniture stores and appliances stores, where many times partial deposit is taken in while placing the order in-person and the rest of the payment is taken from the same card (token) in one or more future transactions. The connect/v1/payments API is working fine for card present in-person and the response body also has a "token" field but I am always getting that as blank.

Is there a way to get a token for multi-use in the response of "connect/v1/payments" of cloud pay, so that the initial payment and tokenization can happen in a single card read operation?


Cloud Pay Display
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alyx avatar image
alyx answered

Hey aalokb i am having some question please help me with that

1)Can you please tell me how to generate OAuth code in the server side because i dont want to use User Interface for that i want it to generate in server side ?

2)I want to deduct money from the server site from client credit card and for every transaction do i have to generate OAuth code for that ?

3) What is the lifetime of )Auth code can it be used for multiple transaction ?

4) Can i drectly do tracsaction using Ecommerce Api token in the server site with out using OAuth code ?

10 |2000

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wayne23 avatar image
wayne23 answered wayne23 edited

To get the "connect/v1/payments" API to return a token that can be used for future transactions, you would need to implement a tokenization system or use a payment gateway that supports tokenization. Tokenization is a secure method of handling payment information, where sensitive card data is replaced with a unique identifier (token).

Here's a general outline of the steps to enable tokenization for future transactions:

Choose a Payment Gateway: Select a payment gateway that supports tokenization. Popular payment gateways often provide APIs that allow you to generate and use tokens for future transactions.

Request Payment Authorization: When a customer initiates a payment, use the "connect/v1/payments" API to request authorization for the payment. This API call should include the customer's payment details, such as credit card information.

Receive Tokenized Response: If the payment gateway supports tokenization, the response from the API call may include a token representing the customer's payment information. This token can be used in place of the actual Tell Popeyes card details for future transactions.

Store the Token Securely: Once you receive the token, store it securely in your system's database. Make sure to follow security best practices and comply with relevant data protection regulations to ensure the safety of customer payment information.

It's important to work closely with your payment gateway provider to understand their tokenization capabilities and ensure proper implementation.
Thanks for read this information, I hope my information is good and helpful.

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10 |2000

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alyx avatar image alyx commented ·

Hey @Wayne23 i am having some question please help me with that

1)Can you please tell me how to generate OAuth code in the server side because i dont want to use User Interface for that i want it to generate in server side ?

2)I want to deduct money from the server site from client credit card and for every transaction do i have to generate OAuth code for that ?

3) What is the lifetime of )Auth code can it be used for multiple transaction ?

4) Can i drectly do tracsaction using Ecommerce Api token in the server site with out using OAuth code ?

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aalokb avatar image
aalokb answered aalokb edited

Thank you Wayne for the reply. We have been using tokens with other payment gateways but Clover is not returning token (or always returning blank) that is why I asked the question.

When you say "choose a payment gateway", do you mean through Clover? I was categorizing Clover as the payment gateway here. What am I missing?


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aalokb avatar image
aalokb answered

I also see a API endpoint for creating a token from a card which can be used later but in order to tokenize the card, it needs to be a new call and one more card read operation.

Is there a way in Clover to obtain the token and take the first payment all in a single card read operation?

10 |2000

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