
umeryousaf avatar image
umeryousaf asked umeryousaf answered

APK upload on Sandbox for Mini (2nd gen) & Flex (2nd gen) Dev kits giving error on level minSDK=17.

Despite these devices having greater API level restrictions, we are still getting MinSDK=17 error when uploading apps on Clover Sandbox. We have other third party libraries that have their own restrictions for API level, which need api level to be greater then 17.

Is there anyway to skirt API level restriction? OR Making min API level to be in compliance with the Devices selected for app?

Clover MiniClover FlexSandbox
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ahmedhasan avatar image ahmedhasan commented ·
I am getting this error (Minimum SDK should be 17) too, when Uploading APK on Sandbox with minimum SDK version 21, although my Devices supports 21 level.
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kprettre avatar image
kprettre answered

Check that on your App Releases tab, in Supported Devices, you don't have an older device selected by mistake.

It occurred to me once, an older device was checked, I unchecked it, saved, and where able to upload my apk again

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umeryousaf avatar image
umeryousaf answered

@Kprettre, I have only selected 2nd gen of Flex & Mini only. But It does say Flex(All Gen) on App Type UI. However on App setting, it only says app type 2nd gen selected. Still it asks for minSDK 17.

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