- Is there a way for me to print my signature on clover through the app POS on iOS?
- How do I bold, left, and right for my invoice in IOS?
- Is there a way for me to print my signature on clover through the app POS on iOS?
- How do I bold, left, and right for my invoice in IOS?
I assume you are using the Clover Connector SDK? Please see the API docs, there is a print function on ICloverConnector that will allow you to print an image. https://clover.github.io/remote-pay-ios/3.0.1/docs/index.html.
Thank you for replying to me!
I know, but I don't know how to align the invoice. As for the signature, I can't edit the background color. I need help from you. I had this problem on IOS, I built it with Swift.
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