
sreekant avatar image
sreekant asked kishoresukumaran answered

Can we remove line item from register app order when it is in open state?


There is a need of split payment process. Suppose i have three items in register order but i am paying only for one item. So i creating a new order with same line item and paying successfully. But requirement is when we come back to register app there should be two items remaining. I am not getting the way. Kindly guide me, how i can remove any line item from register order which is in open state.?

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1 Answer

kishoresukumaran avatar image
kishoresukumaran answered

Hello Sreekant, I don't think there is a neccessity for you to create a new order when you want to pay for one item out of the three items in total. When you proceed to pay for all the three items, in the payment page, if you open the options (three dot button on top right) you will see 3 options to modify the payment -

  • Pay Full Amount
  • Split Custom Amount
  • Split By Items

What you need in this scenario is to select "Spit By Items" and that will let you select separate line items for which you want to collect payment and once that is done, you will see the remaining amount and the remaining line items in the list which you can proceed in the same way. Attached reference screenshots below (they are from the register app) -

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