
greyskymedia avatar image
greyskymedia asked David Marginian commented

customers.csv endpoint won't include expand=metadata in export

We're trying to include the expanded fields available in metadata (companyName, specifically) in our CSV export. According to the docs for the customers.csv endpoint I SHOULD be able to structure my PHP like this:

$csv = file_get_contents('' . $params['merchant_id'] .  '/customers.csv?access_token=' . $params['access_token'] .'&expand=metadata');

The result is still just a regular CSV export (attached). I would expect the extra fields to append to the end of the CSV, but no dice.

From what I see, we have everything coded properly, is there a bug in the endpoint perhaps? Did I miss something in the code?

Thanks for your help!

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

The customer's export doesn't appear to support expansions.

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greyskymedia avatar image
greyskymedia answered

I mean, it's literally in the documentation for the csv endpoint, how can you say that?screen-shot-2021-11-29-at-74351-am.png

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greyskymedia avatar image
greyskymedia answered David Marginian commented

If that's the case, are you saying that the only way to get expansions in an export is to build it myself?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
You will have to use the non-csv API to retrieve the customers for now.
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