
accloverdev avatar image
accloverdev asked commented

Is it possible for customers to enter their phone number on the clover mini before the transaction begins?

Is it possible for customers to enter their phone number on the clover mini before the transaction begins?

Clover Mini
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10 |2000

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Semi-integration will work well for your situation.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

You haven't provided any details/information on your integration so it is hard to help you. Please see our community guidelines -

10 |2000

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accloverdev avatar image accloverdev commented ·

I didn't know where else to put this. This is more of a general question, not an integration one. Our client has a Clover Station and a Clover Mini for customer facing display and payments.

I just want to know if is it possible for customers to enter their phone number on the clover mini before the transaction begins?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ accloverdev commented ·

It's possible via integration, which is why we would need details. For example, if you were semi integrated you could do this via a custom activity on the device. If your merchant is just using normal Clover apps to take the payments then I don't believe this is possible.

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accloverdev avatar image accloverdev David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

OK so this is not for any integration or custom apps. The use case is simple, normal clover register apps, Clover Station and a Clover Mini for customer facing display and payments. The regular flow, has an option for entering phone number for receipts at the end of the transaction. But is it possible to ask for this before using normal apps.

Alternatively, if using custom apps, how can this be done?

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