
lhy2731 avatar image
lhy2731 asked David Marginian edited

How to integrate online credit card payment

Project background: we need to connect First Data online payment (credit card payment) and initiate payment through WEB page

First and foremost, I just want to double check that is this the correct link to the tutorial ""?

Meanwhile, while we are trying to dock with online payment (credit card payment), it shows in the following screenshot that we need to gain "apikey". How can we obtain this? and is this "apikey" the key to get card token?

Lastly, could you please introduce a little about the right way on how can we dock this payment method? like a more detailed procedures? For instance, something like step 1. obatain the sample business

e-commerce api
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aggie168 avatar image
aggie168 answered David Marginian commented

I'm currently working on a woocommerce integration for a client.

These are steps to using the rest API

1. Create developer sandbox account

2. Create a Clover app, form the developer dashboard.

3. Create a merchant account

4. Get your merchant account to authorize the App.

5. After authorization it will redirect to your website with auth_code as one of parameter (cache it)

6. Use auth_code to request access token (cache it too)

7. Use acccess token to generate api key (cache it too)

8. To make payment, first need to create credit card token using card data and API key

9. Then with charge api use access token to making charge with the card token as the source

I've finished with payment processing of my integration, now working the refund function.

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lhy2731 avatar image lhy2731 commented ·

Is it necessary to create a Clover application? Our online credit card payment is a web page with no application.

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lhy2731 avatar image lhy2731 commented ·

What is the value of auth_code ?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered lhy2731 commented

Yes, currently you need an application. That is the only way to obtain an access token.

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lhy2731 avatar image lhy2731 commented ·

How do I create an application? Is there a tutorial link?

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pearanalytics avatar image
pearanalytics answered David Marginian edited

I get stuck on #4. How exactly is this done? I submitted our "app" and our developer info for verification, but not sure how to get to step 5.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

To obtain an access token the merchant needs to install your app then you need to go through the OAuth flow, please see:

which outlines the process.

Please note the app must have the correct permissions prior to installation. If you adjust the permissions after the merchant installs the app they must uninstall/reinstall and you must obtain a new token.

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