
bobbybruce avatar image
bobbybruce asked bobbybruce commented

How to refund item (while returning back to inventory) without a receipt?

If a guy walks into my store without a receipt, can I simply scan that item and return it for that given dollar amount? The item would go back into inventory too. We do this all the time in our retail store and can't figure out how to do it on clover.

Clover StationClover Station 2018
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Jacob Abrams avatar image
Jacob Abrams answered bobbybruce commented

It's better for accounting purposes to find the original Order in the orders app if you can. A number of reasons why this is better, but here's just a few: they won't be able to return something they bought at another store, they can't buy something on sale and return it for full price, if they used a stolen card and then returned the item for cash you can't recover it, using the order will ensure your accounting and reporting and taxes all come out right.

You can actually search the Orders app for a customer name if they paid with a credit card Clover records the customer name with the order so you can find an order quickly that way.

Assuming you really want to simply give money back without finding the past order here's what I would suggest:

  1. Go to Register app and build an order as if the customer was making a purchase, you can scan barcodes as needed.
  2. The Register app will compute taxes for you so you can refund the cost with taxes. Simply remember that total number and go to the Refund or Manual Transactions app.
  3. The Manual Transactions app should allow you to give back money in any tender such as cash but the Refund app will only with payment cards.

Apparently Station 2018 is missing the Manual Transactions app but the older Clover Station device has it. I don't know why.

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bobbybruce avatar image bobbybruce commented ·

Thank you @Jacob Abrams appreciate your time. For ease, wouldn't it make sense if you could issue a refund from the register app? maybe a refund button pops up down by "pay" or "save"? So you don't have to go through that many steps... this way would keep inventory in check too.

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bobbybruce avatar image
bobbybruce answered

Thank you @Jacob Abrams appreciate your time. For ease, wouldn't it make sense if you could issue a refund from the register app? maybe a refund button pops up down by "pay" or "save"? So you don't have to go through that many steps... this way would keep inventory in check too.

10 |2000

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