
ismdcf avatar image
ismdcf asked David Marginian answered

Can we perform the PreAuth Capture request via Clover REST API?

Currently I have implemented PreAuth payment flow using the Payment Connector SDK for android. The steps that I have taken in this payment flow are,
  1. Make the PreAuth request.
  2. Then make the PreAuth capture request.
But there's a requirement to make the PreAuth capture request over the REST API but not the android SDK. Simply changing the above 2nd step to do over REST API using the details obtained from 1st Step. I need to know whether this approach is supported by current REST API version.

REST APIClover Android SDK
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

"Developer Pay supports basic sale transactions; many payment functions available on Clover hardware and in other Clover SDKs are not available with this API.
The following functions are not supported:
  • Card vaulting (tokenization) without processing a payment
  • Authorizations with tip adjustment
  • Pre-authorizations
  • Refunds
  • Voids"
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