
mohit-kanada avatar image
mohit-kanada asked zgreathouse Deactivated answered

Tax display issue in Clover's Transaction app while complete payment using Secure Pay Intent flow

Hi @zgreathouse

In our app we are using Custom Tender to initiate payment flow via our app. Once user initiate our app using custom tender and select card option to pay we redirect user to clover's default card payment flow using "SECURE PAY Intent".
Issue we found is that once transaction is completed using this flow receipt is displaying correct tax which was deducted but once we open Transactions application and look for that payment transaction we found all the transactions done with card via secure pay intent, that transactions display "0" taxes but once we click on details and receipts, at that place it will displaying correct taxes.
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zgreathouse avatar image zgreathouse commented ·

After moving away from using the secure pay intent and using PaymentConnector are you still having the same issue?

If so, can you provide a code snippet of how you are building the sale? Additionally, please let me know if you are running into any issues implementing PaymentConnector.

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1 Answer

zgreathouse avatar image
zgreathouse Deactivated answered

We strongly discourage the use of intents within payment flows. If you are using intents within your payment flow we cannot guarantee your payment flow's stability. We have PaymentConnector available for this reason. Additionally, PaymentConnector will function the same on each of our Clover device form factors.

You can find our payment connector SDK here (includes available methods):

You can find an example implementation here:

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