
mscwindsor avatar image
mscwindsor asked sofiacarson answered

Print Batch Totals

I used to be able to go to the closeout, click the batch and then print just the batch totals by clicking the little blue print button over the batch totals. Starting a few days ago, no matter which print button I push, it is like pushing the button print report button that prints the entire closing report. It is wasting a lot of paper since all I need is just the batch totals. How do I get it back to only printing the batch totals?

Thank you,


Clover FlexPrint
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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

Are you a Clover merchant? This forum is for developers that build apps on our platform to get development assistance. If you are a Clover merchant you should contact Clover support for assistance.

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jaredyu avatar image
jaredyu answered

Developers that make apps on our platform can utilize this topic to get development assistance.
candy clicker

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sofiacarson avatar image
sofiacarson answered

There is a Clover support card that can help you or you can choose All Pages in range or Even pages only. Be flexible with your options.

tap tap shots

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